PTS Documentation

Printing Test Labels

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1: Create New Record

 1.1: Create PTS ID

From with the PTS application begin by Navigate to ‘PTS Essential’ and click Search/Create PTS ID from the menu. 

To create a new PTS tag, click on       and the following screen is displayed:

1.2: Quick Add "Override Edits"

Select the check box for "Override Edits"   to create a test record.


1.3: Create Record

Enter any test details into the record and click Create.


1.4: Print Record

At the PTS Print screen using the drop down menu select the appropriate printer for this location. 

Select Print & ensure that the label has successfully printed.


2: PTS Reporting

 2.1: Search PTS Records

From the available search parameters, select dates, specifications or record information to narrow the number of records to generate.  Users may choose options from the drop down menus, use free text or click the   icon to search for information.

Click   to view records.


 2.2:  Select PTS ID

From the grid of available PTS ID’s, select the edit icon  for the most recent record created. 


2.3:  Reprint PTS ID

When redirected to the SEARCH/CREATED PTS ID screen select ‘Reprint’ from the top navigation tool menu.  Proceed with the steps from 1.4.

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